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Beware of scammers!

Attention. Recently, there have been more and more cases when scammers acted on my behalf. They offer to pay, and after payment, they disappear. Or they try to extort money from the buyer. Be careful! Check who you are dealing with and who you are transferring money to. Once again. Check who you are dealing with, is it really me.
I assume that they mainly contact those who ask a question in the comments. And then offer a deal on their crypto wallet.
I am extremely rarely the first to contact. This happens when it comes to fixing bugs in scripts. But I do not engage in aggressive marketing. If someone acts like this, using my name and avatar, then do not rush! Check who wrote to you.
My unique address is here: @AndreiFrX And ​​a link to contact me: https://t.me/AndreiFrX You can see this information in the profile of the writer!
If you are offered to buy something here, then do not be lazy to write to me directly, check whether I am writing to you.
And if we find out that this is a scammer then we will immediately write a complaint against him and throw him out of the channel and the group!
Good luck to you all in trading and in life. Take care of your money.

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